The Grand Original Quest
Astroshamanic Retreat with Franco Santoro
at Corvaro (Rieti, Italy)
15-21 June 2007
A special astroshamanic retreat aimed at powerfully expanding our multidimensional awareness at the dawn of imminent and potential planetary transformational processes. This workshop provides a direct and experiential understanding of the many-sided of our nature meant as an emanation of the universe, known and unknown. We will employ various practices from ancient traditions, learning how to navigate through different energy fields, identifying apparent anomalies, fractures, blocks, power points and healing gifts. We will be trained to use the astroshamanic system of the 12 Sectors, the binary and trinity codes, the basic cartography of stellar circuits and other strategic applications for the retrieval of our original 12-strand DNA.
The workshop also covers the theme of parallel universes, time-space gateways and the multidimensionality of the physical territory, including the exploration of occult and non-ordinary geography. We will investigate our most ancient roots, connecting various parts of our ancestral life, releasing old blocks and wounds trapped in the inner and outer landscape, unfolding luminous potentials and promoting healing in the environment at all levels.
The programme includes: soul retrieval, time-space voyages, distant astroshamanic healing, trance dance, astroshamanic touch, visionary walks, activation of multidimensional portals, advanced applications of the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone and other practices which will develop according to the motivations and visions of the participants.
The retreat takes place at Associazione Terra di Luce in the medieval village of Corvaro (near Rome), between the lake of Duchessa and its wild mystery mountains. It starts on the last New Moon of spring and culminates with the summer solstice. The dates and place of the retreat have purposefully been chosen to support this type of work. The event is open to all participants and is held by Franco both in English and Italian. This is the first prologue workshop of the Astroshamanic Gateways Series.
For information:
Franco ( and
Liliana Cozza 0746.306529 or 3478853271 or3490724072
The workshop starts at 7:30 pm on 15 June and ends at 12 on 21 June 2007.
Cost: Euro 630 (all included) plus Euro 5 for association charges.
If you book before 15 April the cost is Euro 595 plus Euro 5 for association charges.
Please book at your earliest convenience since places are limited.